Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Current Projects

Dirk's T-Shirt

Roxy's Outfit

i was re-reading h0mestuck recently and finally n0ticed h0w l0ng R0xy's shirt is... that part where she's in the dream bubble ab0ut t0 meet calli0pe in pers0n f0r the first time, that's when i n0ticed. s0, i decided t0 make a l0nger versi0n 0f her shirt. unf0rtunately its a full 0utfit and the pants c0me with, but they're rec0l0rable. everything's rec0l0rable besides her l0g0.

2 Different Hairs

these pr0jects are really cl0se t0 being d0ne. i can't wait! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Homestuck - Canon God Tier Aspects: Maid

Canon God Tier Aspect: Maid
For: Teen - Young Adult
Gender: Female
Catergories: Full Outfit - All
Recolor: No
Includes: Maid of Time Outfit (Aradia's), Maid of Life Outfit (Jane's), Crocker Tier Outfit (Evil Jane's)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dictator Outfit Set

You guys remember THIS picture, right? i decided to make the outfit he's wearing for the Sims 3. So, here's the .sims3pack files if you want to install them for your game. The Set includes the following.
Coat: Tops, All Categories, Teen - Adult, Male, 3 Recolorable Channels. You'll need to have your graphics set to very high to see all the details.
Pants: Bottoms, All Categories, Teen - Adult, Male, 2 Recolorable Channels
Boots: Shoes, All Categories, Teen - Adult, Male/Female, 2 Recolorable Channels
Hat: Glasses, All Categories, Teen - Elder, Male/Female, Not Recolorable. You'll need your graphics set to very high to see the hat in game, but it will appear in CAS.
Let me know if there are any problems so that i can fix them please. Hope you like the download!
Mediafire Download